71. Harnessing Influencers.

John Bohan


December 21, 2017

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As Founder and CEO of SocialtyzeJohn Bohan helps brands create original content and social media strategies in cool, new ways. In today’s episode, John reveals everything we need to know about Socialtyze, and explores the future of digital marketing. He also tells us how to harness the power of influencers, shows us how to activate networks of fans through brand campaigns, and breaks down the most important types of customer engagement.

Topics include:

  • The evolution of media marketing (and where it may be heading)

  • The real role of influencers in today’s social spheres for brands

  • Social media as mimicry of everyday life (and why it’s important)

  • How Socialtyze manages projects for brands through their database

  • Content, following, and brand relevance of prospective influencers

  • John’s predictions for the future of online platforms (and the people who use them)

John Bohan is currently the CEO of Socialtyze – an online marketing company that specializes in managing brand campaigns across media platforms and working with influencers. He has worked with a number of marketing companies and has over 20 years of experience in the field. Socialtyze is the latest incarnation and manifestation of his calling — disruption of traditional marketing strategies. John regularly publishes and posts videos discussing contemporary trends and future ideas in his field. His articles have appeared in Forbes, among others publications. He has also spent time working for the Weather Channel, and in communications and advertising. With Socialtyze, John specializes in influencer culture and content creation.

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